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About IC Bridge

IC Bridge Inc. is a leading provider of very high end and strategic verification services to Emerging technologies, Storage and Networking industries. IC Bridge's innovative custom verification solutions, strategies and methodologies are designed to enable extraordinarily fast verification with exceptionally cost effective execution and delivery of full functionality verification, power and performance testing. Founded in Silicon Valley by the executives who previously verified the world's most-advanced chips, IC Bridge is backed by funding partners along with methodology and technology advisors designed to position it at the forefront of demanding and fast growing verification field.

Way ahead of schedule!

Verification is the greatest bottleneck in a chip development cycle. Verification tasks have exponentially increased due to the rise in design complexity and size of the SOCs. IC BRIDGE is uniquely positioned to address this rising demands of verification activities. We strategically approach the sequential, complex and scattered verification tasks with the goal of exceptionally accelerating the verification cycle with our proven processes, methodologies, tools along with our domain expertise. Our processes and technology understanding are the intelligence critical to reducing the verification cycle.

The performance

For customers that demand the high level performance verification for their chips to meet or exceed the bandwidth goals, IC BRIDGE delivers an unmatched portfolio of performance testing techniques and tools, including bandwidth, latency and speeds. We are the verification leaders in Storage, Networking and connectivity chips for performance testing. With our unique expertise and processes, IC BRIDGE guarantees the performance in the entire verification ecosystem. We work in close collaboration with the world's leading Verification Tools to provide verification solutions that make the most of our capabilities.

100% Functional coverage for design spec

As the specification for SOCs are getting more and more complex, the demand for capturing all possible test scenarios being tested thru coverage and reporting them is a very tough task . IC BRIDGE meets that demand by carefully and intelligently defining the coverage for each line of the spec and mapping it to the verification tools. Our attention to details in our verification services includes not only advanced coverage capturing mechanism, but also having the expertise to deliver test scenarios to guarantee 100% functional coverage.

Cost effectively

Unlike manual and sequential verification processes, IC Bridge team deploys a strategic approach to IP/ASIC/SoC verification which helps in executing projects with a high return on investment. We offer efficient use of verification techniques, structured methodologies, concurrent processes and scalable technologies, along with easy reuse of verification environments. IC Bridge helps to automate the generation of millions of self-checking and constrained random tests for cost effective execution of IP/ASIC/SoC products verification.